Wall Street Journal: “The Unconquerable Islamic World”

The Quran is Allah’s final revelation, binding on all humanity; faith is a matter of private devotion as well as public law, best lived out in a state that blends religion and politics; and Muslims should, where possible, hold power over non-Muslims to ensure that Allah’s law is rightly enforced

Malcom X’s Letter from Hajj

America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem. Throughout my travels in the Muslim world, I have met, talked to, and even eaten with people who in America would have been considered ‘white’ – but the ‘white’ attitude was removed from their minds by the religion of Islam. I have never before seen sincere and true brotherhood practiced by all colors together, irrespective of their color.

Donald Trump’s Shameful Support for China’s Repression of Uighur Muslims

The repression of China’s Uighur Muslims by the ruling Communist Party has been continuing on for decades, but in the spring of 2017, a crackdown began on Chinese Muslims in which they were detained in “re-education” camps. The reasons for being incarcerated were flimsy excuses such as contacting friends who lived abroad or growing aContinue reading “Donald Trump’s Shameful Support for China’s Repression of Uighur Muslims”

The First Muslim Public Demonstration in History

“… ‘Umar’s conversion was an historic event. It deeply shocked everybody in Makkah. The Muslims were jubilant and the unbelievers dismayed. Until ‘Umar’s conversion, the Muslims could not hold their prayers in public. Now, after the accession of ‘Umar to Islam, they held them in the courtyard of the ancient sanctuary. Entering Arqam’s house, heContinue reading “The First Muslim Public Demonstration in History”

The killing of George Floyd sparks controversy over African-Iraqi rights

By Saad Salloum BAGHDAD — The police killing of George Floyd and the ensuing protests in the United States are being used by Iraqi activists to raise awareness about the rights of African-Iraqis. At the same time, many Iraqi protesters have drawn parallels to the US movement, criticizing the way the Iraqi authorities have beenContinue reading “The killing of George Floyd sparks controversy over African-Iraqi rights”

The Portuguese are rediscovering their country’s Muslim past

Historians and archaeologists are showing just how integral Islam is to the country’s identity. by Marta Vidal Lisbon, Portugal – After fleeing war in his native Iraq, 33-year-old Mustafa Abdulsattar risked his life on a perilous boat trip from Turkey to Greece. Once in Greece, he was offered resettlement in Portugal, a country he knewContinue reading “The Portuguese are rediscovering their country’s Muslim past”