Bernard Lewis on the Islamic Civilization

At the peak of Islamic power, there was only one civilization that was comparable in the level, quality, and variety of achievement; that was of course China. But Chinese civilization remained essentially local, limited to one region, East Asia, and to one racial group. It was exported to some degree, but only to neighboring and kindred peoples. Islam in contrast created a world civilization, polyethnic, multiracial,international, one might even say intercontinental…

Islam represented the greatest military power on earth—its armies, at the very same time, were invading Europe and Africa, India and China. It was the foremost economic power in the world, trading in a wide range of commodities through a far-flung network of commerce and communications in Asia, Europe, and Africa…

It had achieved the highest level so far in human history in the arts
and sciences of civilization. Inheriting the knowledge and skills of the
ancient Middle East, of Greece and of Persia, it added to them new
and important innovations from outside, such as the use and manufacture of paper from China and decimal positional numbering from India. It is difficult to imagine modern literature or science without the one or the other.

It was in the Islamic Middle East that Indian numbers were for the first time incorporated in the inherited body of mathematical learning. From the Middle East they were transmitted to the West, where they are still known as Arabic numerals, honoring not those who invented them but those who first brought them to Europe. To this rich inheritance scholars and scientists in the Islamic world added an immensely important contribution through their own observations, experiments, and ideas.

In most of the arts and sciences of civilization, medieval Europe was a pupil and in a sense a dependent of the Islamic world, relying on Arabic versions even for many otherwise unknown Greek works.

Bernard Lewis, What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, pp. 6-7

Published by caliphatefoundation

The Caliphate Foundation seeks to promote Orthodox Muslim views regarding Islamic governance and systems of life and engage with those who oppose the normative views of Islam. Whatever your opinions on the Caliphate are, your contributions to the discussion are most welcome.

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